Saturday, February 13, 2010

Armenian Earthquake after two decades

I shot the aftermath of Armenian earthquakes, which happened in Feb. 1988, when I was in Armenia in December. Even two decades later, the earthquake still affects people in the Northern Armenia. Vanadzor, one of the cities hit hard by the earthquake, still has housing shortage problems, and a number of people live in small houses domiks, which were built after the earthquake to shelter people with low income. The mix of the Soviet collapse, Karabakh war and subsequent economic turndown prevented the city from recovering. As a result, hundreds of people still live in those domiks.
It seems that the city is a sad example how natural disasters could cause damages to people and local economy in the long term...


Rafak said...

Beautiful set of portraits... the girl with a doll, just great! looking forward to see next update man! and congrats for MIO!

katie said...

powerful stuff ikuru... i also loved the girl with the doll. something about it says adolescence and sadness and struggling...

::: Eddie Quiñones ::: said...

i second katie's comment. very powerful. i really love visiting your blog every week to see what beautiful photos you'll post.

Billy Reeves said...

Your photos are amazing man, seriously.

They are getting me so excited about Eastern Europe. I'll definitely hit you up so we can catch a drink when I'm in Ukraine!

Ikuru said...

Thanks for the kind comments. I should have edited the series earlier... I'm working on different things in Ukraine. Hope a few o them will work out.
Rafal- Thanks for the note on MIO and letting me know about the contest, by the way!
Billy, I might be in Japan in April, but I still don't know when. Sure, looking forward to beer somewhere in Kiev:).

andreea said...

amazing photos. good luck with the stuff youre working on!

Jeronimo Nisa said...


The image of the girl with the doll made me choke by emotion. Not many images can do that to me.

Thanks for sharing.

Ikuru said...

Thanks Andreea and Jeronimo... I just hope that there would be someone who could help them...

Andrei said...

very good series! :)

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It's amazing!!! Really great photos! So colourful... and full of life!

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